At Unit 6 pupils are learning...
Sea animals vocabulary
Octopus: pulpo.
Seal: foca.
Walrus: morsa.
Fox: zorro.
Polar bear: oso polar.
Penguin: pingüino.
Eel: morena.
Swordfish: pez espada.
Whale: ballena.
Dolphin: delfín.
Starfish: estrella de mar.
Seahorse: caballito de mar.
Turtle: tortuga de mar.
Crab: cangrejo.
Shell: concha.
Shark: tiburón.

Strong: fuerte.
Dangerous: peligroso.

(The polar bear)
It has got four strong legs. (Tiene cuatro patas fuertes)
It is white. (Es blanco)
It is dangerous. (Es peligroso)
It has got a big body. (Tiene un cuerpo grande)
It can run. (Puede correr)
It lives in the North pole. (Vive en el Polo Norte)

To have got (affirmative and interrogative)
 I have got.../ Have I got...?
You have got.../ Have you got...?
He has got.../ Has he got...?
She has got.../ Has she got...?
It has got.../ Has it got...?
We have got.../ Have we got...?
You have got.../ Have you got...?
They have got.../ Have they got...?


At Unit 5, pupils are learning...
Routines vocabulary
Wake up: despertarse
Get up: levantarse
Have a shower: ducharse
Have breakfast: desayunar/almorzar
Brush my teeth: cepillarme los dientes
Comb my hair: peinarme
Get dressed: vestirse
Go to school: ir al colegio
Have lessons: Tener clase
Have lunch: comer
Go home: Ir a casa
Do the homework: hacer el deber
Study: estudiar
Play: jugar
Watch TV: ver la televisión
Listening to music: escuchar música
Have dinner: cenar
Go to bed: irse a la cama
Sleep: dormir

The time
What time is it? (¿Qué hora es?)
It's one o'clock. (Es la una en punto).
It's quarter past one. (Es la una y cuarto).
It's half past one. (Es la una y media).
It's quarter to one. (Es la una menos cuarto).  

What time do you...? (¿A qué hora tu...?)
I get up at seven o'clock. (Me levanto a las siete en punto)
I go home at quarter past five. (Me voy a casa a las cinco y cuarto).
I have dinner at half past nine. (Yo ceno a las nueve y media). 

He/she getS up at seven o'clock. (Él / Ella se levanta a las siente en punto).
He/she goES gome at quarter past five. (Él/ella va a casa a las cinco y cuarto).
He/she haS dinner at half past ninve. (Él/ella cena a las nueve y media).
 At Unit 4, children are learning...
Abilities vocabulary
Skipping: Saltar
Playing golf: jugar al golf
Playing frisbee: jugar con el disco
Drawing: dibujar
Painting: pintar
Rollerblading: patinar
Skateboarding: patinar (monopatín)
Talking to friends: hablar con los amigos
Listening to music: escuchar música
Taking photos: hacer fotos
Doing exercises: hacer ejercicio
Playing cards: jugar a las cartas
Playing board games: jugar a juegos de mesa
Reading: leer
Parts of the day
In the morning: Por la mañana
In the afternoon: Por la tarde
In the evening: POr la tarde-noche
At night: Por la noche
Verb to like ( Gustar: A mí me gusta, a tí te gusta...Aff and Neg. form)
I like playing frisbee / I don't like playing frisbee
You like playing frisbee / You don't like playing frisbee
He likes playing frisbee / He doesn't like playing frisbee
She likes playing frisbee / She doesn't like playing frisbee
We like playing frisbee / We don't like playing frisbee
You like playing frisbee / You don't like playing frisbee
They like playing frisbee / They don't like playing frisbee

Do you like playing frisbee? Yes I do / No I don't. ¿A tí te gusta...?
Does he like taking photos? Yes I do / No I don't.  ¿A él le gusta...?

 At Unit 3, pupils are learning...
The town vocabulary
Shop: tienda
Bookshop: tienda de libros.
Library: biblioteca
Town hall: ayuntamiento
Building: edificio
Church: iglesia
Supermarket: supermercado
Restaurant: restaurante
Hospital: hospital
Bank: banco
Park: parque
School: colegio
Town / City: ciudad
House: casa
Swimming pool: piscina
Gym: gimnasio
Police station: comisaría
Train station / bus station: Estación de tren /autobús.
Stable: establo
 The town furniture
Traffic lights: semáforos
Fountain: fuente
Bridge: puente
Street lights: farolas
Zebra crossing: paso de cebra
Bank: banco
Roundabout: rotonda
Tree: árbol
Flowers: flores
Street: calle
Phone Box: cabina de teléfono
Postbox: buzón
In: dentro
On: encima
Under: debajo
Between: entre
Next to: al lado de 
In front of: delante
Opposite: en frente de 
Behind: detrás
Ex. The shop is NEXT TO the hospital. (La tienda está al lado del hospital).
       The school is BEHIND the station. (El colegio está detrás de la estación).

There is (singular)/ There are (plural): Hay.
Ex. There is ONE bank. (Hay un banco)
      There are THREE trees in the park. 

Vocabulary (routines)
reading: leyendo
eating: comiendo
watching TV: viendo la televisión
listening to music: escuchando música
drinking: bebiendo
washing up: fregando
tidying up: recogiendo
talking on the phone: hablando por teléfono
doing the homework: haciendo el deber
having dinner: cenando
having breakfast: desayunando / almorzando
having lunch: comiendo

Vocabulary (family)
Great grandparents: bisabuelos
Great grandmother: bisabuela
great grandfather: bisabuelo
grandfather: abuelo
grandmother: abuela
grandparents: abuelos
father: papá / dad - daddy
mother: mamá / mum - mummy
aunt: tía
uncle: tío
cousin: primo/a
brother: hermano
sister: hermana
son: hijo
daugther: hija

Vocabulary (house)
Garden: jardín
garage: garaje
roof: tejado
living room: salón
dining room: comedor
kitchen: cocina
hall: recibidor
bathroom: baño
bedroom: habitación

What's Carla doing? - ¿Qué está haciendo Carla?
She is washing up - Ella está fregando. 
He is drinking tea - Él está bebiendo té.
Mum is reading the - newspaper Mamá está leyendo el periódico
Aunt is listening to music -  La tía está escuchando música

At Unit 1 we are learning:
Vocabulary (Parts of the body)
Cuerpo: Body            Pelo: Hair              Cabeza: Head
Ojos: Eyes               Pestaña: Eyelash       Ceja: Eyebrow
Nariz: Nose              Moflete: Cheek          Boca: Mouth
Barbilla: Chin            Pecas: freckles         Cuello: Neck
Hombro: Shoulder      Brazo: Arm              Mano: Hand
Dedos: Fingers          Pecho: Chest          Ombligo: Belly button
Pierna: leg               Rodilla: Knee           Pie: one foot / two feet
Talón: heel               Dedos de los pies: Toes

Alto: Tall / Bajo - corto: Short
Grande: Big / Pequeño: Small
Fuerte: Strong / Débil: weak
Pesado: Heavy / Ligero: Light
Feo: Ugly / Guapo: Beautiful
Nuevo: New / Antiguo: Old
Gordo: Fat / Delgado: Thin

Pelo rubio: Blond hair / Rubio: blonde
Pelo castaño: Brown hair / Castaño: Brown
Pelo negro: Black hair / Moreno: Dark
Pelo rizado: Curly hair.
Pelo ondulado: Wavy hair.
Pelo liso: Straight hair.
Calvo: Bald
Bigote: Moustache
Barba: Beard
Gafas: Glasses
Flequillo: Fringe
Trenzas: Plaits
Coleta: Ponytail

I' ve got....(yo tengo) / I haven't got (No tengo)
You've got...(tú tienes) / You haven't got...( tú no tienes)
He's got...(Él tiene) / He hasn't got...(Él no tiene)
She's got...(Ella tiene) / She hasn't got...(ella no tiene)
We've got...(nosotros tenemos) / We haven't got...(nosotros no tenemos)
You've got...(vosotros tenéis) / You haven't got...(vosotros no tenéis)
They've got..(ellos tienen) / They haven't got..(Ellos no tienen)

Ex. He's got short and curly hair. He's got big eyes. He hasn't got glasses.
     He is blonde and he's got a moustache.

Has he got brown hair? Yes, he has. / No, he hasn't.